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How to select toys for your speech delayed child

17/11/2016 1030
How to select toys for your speech delayed child Here are some useful tips to help select toys for children with language or speech delays:

Choose open ended toys

Open ended toys are toys with no beginning, middle or end. These toys can be used in countless ways and it gives your child creative freedom in using and playing with them. Open ended toys are usually traditional and basic type of toys.

Go back to the basics with traditional toys

As already mentioned above, traditional toys are generally open ended in nature. Types of toys like building blocks, transportation toys (that do not work on batteries), play food, play dough, dress up clothes are all good example of open ended traditional toys.

Get rid of the batteries

If toys require batteries, you child doesn’t really need it. What you need is your child to engage in play and make noises. Of course, there are a few exceptions to this- toys like play laptops and cameras that run on batteries can be left as they are but always try and have most of the toys battery free.

Skip the 123s and ABCs

Talking about going back to the basics, most toy stores have plenty of toys that are educational. If your child has language or speech delays, these educational toys are not the skills that need to be targeted.

Don't fret about gender

When picking toys for your child, never stick to gender specific toys. Let your little girl play with cars and trains and your little boys with baby dolls and toy kitchens. The toys you choose for your kids only need to prompt social interaction, creative expression and problem solving.

Less is always more

When it comes to toys, less is always more- your kid doesn’t need toys upon toys. In fact, too many toys can actually have a negative effect on your child, because too many toys can overwhelm them and they end up moving from one toy to another quickly which will limit their play and language skills.

Work out a toy rotation method

Sometimes, our kids end up with too many toys from birthdays and parties. These excess toys can still provide ample opportunities for meaningful play. A toy rotation system is an excellent idea for excess toys.

Choose toys that get your child moving

It is of great importance to get your child moving, even when they are indoors. Making tunnels and forts, for example, which are very good ways of keeping them active indoors and this type of play doesn’t require you to buy specific toys.

Don’t forget to take your child outside

You don't need to buy outdoor toys for your kid to play outside. Heading to the park is an excellent way and it is completely free. But if you don’t have a park nearby, there are some simple things that are perfect for playing outside. Toys like small shovels and hoes for digging, a water bucket or a small pool, ride-on toys, buckets and spoons, or a play house are ideal toys for your child to play with outdoors and they provide hours of independent creative play.

Sometimes, the best toys are not really toys at all. Things like pots, pans and cardboard boxes are not real toys but they can sometimes be the best toys for your child. All you have to do is be creative and think outside the box. And sometimes, you are the best toy for your child. Play finger games, sing and dance with your child, tell them stories, talk in a funny voice, play hide and seek- the choices are endless.